Today’s story comes from the book of 2 Chronicles, a book in the Old Testament. It seems likely that a priest wrote this book, so some people believe it was written by Ezra. But this isn’t something we know for sure. This book tells us about many of the Old Testament kings of Israel and shows us not only the blessing of obeying God, but also the consequences of disobeying Him.
More To Explore
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Find it in the Bible: 2 Chronicles
OT–NT Connection
Although your memory verse was written hundreds of years after Jehoshaphat lived, the verses in 2 Chronicles describe what Jehoshaphat did and how we should pray. Read Philippians 4:6-7 to see what God says about prayer.
What guards our hearts and minds when we pray to God?
What’s something that’s been making you worried lately that you can talk to God about?
What does it mean to pray without ceasing?
Prayer is a way we can talk to God and build our relationship with Him. If we stop praying on a regular basis, that will hurt our relationship with Him. Think about the last time you were sick with a bad cough. There isn’t much you can do to stop coughing; it is your body’s automatic reaction to being sick. God wants prayer to be our automatic reaction to everything that happens in life, something we can’t help but do.
Is there a right or wrong way to pray?
Whether you pray silently, out loud, by yourself or with others, God will hear you. If you have a humble heart and want God to have His way in your life, you don’t need to worry about saying the wrong thing. You can sit, stand, run or walk while you pray. You can be in the car, in your bedroom or at school. Don’t focus on praying the “right” way. When we are honest with God and submit to Him, He will work all things together for His good.
Look up 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 and see what it says about prayer. Now, grab three pieces of paper. On the first piece write, “Rejoice always.” On the second piece write, “Pray without ceasing.” On the third piece write, “Give thanks in all circumstances.” Place the pieces of paper around your house. When you see them during the week, remember how we should talk to God through prayer.
Finish the rest of the story! Read 2 Chronicles 20:14-30. How did God lead the people into battle? What was the outcome? What would it look like for your family to face challenges and battles with a worshipful attitude and complete and total dependence on God?