
Print off the "Thru-the-Week Sheet" and use it all week!


Week Sheet

Memory Melody

Watch this week’s Memory Melody video with your kids to memorize this week’s verse!


Memory Melody


Help your child memorize this week’s question, answer and verse.

Print off this week’s coloring page that includes the question, answer and verse!


Coloring Sheet


Dear God, thank You for creating light so we can enjoy Your wonderful world. Thank You for sending Jesus, the Light that shines through the darkness of our sin, and making a way for us to know You. Help us to stay in Your light, learn from your Word and serve You always. Amen.


Tell your kids about a time you felt “in the dark” about a decision you needed to make. Explain how you asked God to “shine a light” on the situation and tell them how He directed you to make the right choice.


Listen to this playlist throughout this series to praise God for the Light of the World.


Light of the World Playlist


Take your child into a dark room and ask them to put together a puzzle. Explain that living apart from God is like trying to put the puzzle pieces of our life together in the darkness. Next, turn on the light and put the puzzle together. Remind them that living in God’s light is the best place to be.


Trace the coloring sheet on a plastic page protector with a permanent marker. Insert a black piece of paper. Then, cut out the image of a flashlight (with light beam) on white paper. Place it beneath the plastic and move it around. Remind your kids about the light of Jesus as they illuminate the illustration. Watch this video to see how!