More to Explore
Answers to real-life questions and even more Scripture to explore!

Can fear be a good thing?
When we are in danger, fear is part of the warning system God gave our bodies to help keep us safe. Fear is a very natural feeling, and by itself it isn’t wrong or sinful. It is what we do with our fear and how we respond to it that is important. We can ignore our fear, be consumed by our fear or take our fear to God and trust that He is with us. God wants to replace our fear with His peace and confidence that He is in control.

How can God be good if He allows scary situations?
We live in a world where sin exists. Sin entered the world when Adam and Eve disobeyed God, and death came as a result. (Romans 5:12) Sometimes our fear is a consequence of our own actions; sometimes it is because of the actions of others; sometimes it is simply because we live in a world where sin and death exist. God shows us how good He is when He helps us and is with us when we are afraid.
*Want to learn more? Check out our “What does my sin deserve?” conversation guide at!

I know God is in control, so why do I still feel afraid?
God doesn’t expect us to act as if nothing is wrong when we are in a scary situation. After all, He created us with the ability to have emotions; but those emotions don’t need to control our thoughts, actions and words. Philippians 4:6-8 tells us God will give us peace and guard our hearts and minds (and emotions), but we need to do our part. We need to shape our fears into prayer and focus on things that are true and good.