Help your child memorize this week’s question, answer and verse.
Print off this week’s coloring page that includes the question, answer and verse!
Print off the "Thru-the-Week Sheet" and use it all week!
Help your child memorize this week’s question, answer and verse.
Print off this week’s coloring page that includes the question, answer and verse!
God, thank You that You never leave us or forsake us. Please be with our brothers and sisters who are in prison because of their faith in You. Comfort them and bring them peace. We ask that You grant their release and use their lives for Your glory. Amen.
Talk to your kids about a time you shared your faith with someone. How did God help you?
Listen to this playlist throughout the series to praise God for “The Family of God.”
Read the story of Paul and Silas’ miraculous rescue from prison in Acts 16:16-40 or from a children’s Bible storybook, then act out the story either live or with toys. Remind your kids that we can ALWAYS respond to the Lord in praise no matter our circumstances.
Using an online Bible resource, print out a list of “fear not” verses. Cut them into strips, fold them and place them in a special jar or bowl in a prominent place in your home. Select one every day and read it as a family.
Read a missionary story or biography together. Note how the missionary sacrificed for Jesus, how the Lord was with them always, and how their lives blessed the world.
Ask your kids to research a Christian “hero of the faith” and share with your family how the hero trusted God’s plan, even under persecution. (William Tyndale, Jane Grey or Tertullian are great examples!)