More to Explore
Answers to real-life questions and even more Scripture to explore!

How do I become part of the family of God?
God’s family is firmly rooted in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. If you believe in the Lord Jesus and trust Him — that He died for our sins, was buried and rose again — you will be saved (Acts 16:31, 1 Corinthians 15:3-4). This week’s verse tells us that when we trust in Christ’s gift of forgiveness, we become part of God’s family.
NOTE TO PARENTS: If you need a little more help explaining the Gospel, check out the “God’s Big Story” series at We’ve designed this series to help you share the message of Jesus in a simple and engaging way.

What makes the Israelites so special?
The very short answer is that God chose them in His wisdom and mercy. Romans 9 explains that a potter decides what to make out of his clay, not the other way around. God, as the Potter, our loving Creator, fashions people for whatever purpose He sees fit. He chose to use the Israelites, who we now call the Jewish people, in a special way to make known His plan of redemption on Earth. Jesus may have come to us through the Jewish people, but He came to save anyone who is lost and far from God.

What if things aren’t great in my family?
Families aren’t perfect. Different families will have different trials. Sometimes the effects of sin on families can be painful. It is important to remember that God can redeem any situation in any family if its members are willing to repent, turn from their sin and follow Him. Remember, even if your family isn’t perfect, followers of Jesus are part of the perfect family of God! He loves and cares for you, and knows everything about you.
In situations of danger or abuse, it is important to seek appropriate help to ensure each family member’s physical and emotional safety.