Talk Together

Family conversations with God’s Word.

Imagine for a minute that we gathered up every stuffed animal and pillow in our house. How many do you think you could hold at one time? What if I asked you to get me a glass of water at the same time? Do you think you could do it without dropping anything or spilling the water?

With your arms so full it would be almost impossible to do anything at all for someone else. In the same way, if our hands and hearts are holding tight to the treasure and money we have, how can we help anyone else?

Today we will read from the book of 1 Timothy, chapter six. Paul wrote two letters to a man named Timothy. Timothy was younger than Paul, and Paul wanted to help Timothy grow to be more like Jesus.

Let’s read what Paul said about the things we treasure. Can you help me find 1 Timothy 6, verses 17-19? The book of 1 Timothy is in the New Testament.


"As for the rich in this present age, charge them not to be haughty, nor to set their hopes on the uncertainty of riches, but on God, who richly provides us with everything to enjoy. They are to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share, thus storing up treasure for themselves as a good foundation for the future, so that they may take hold of that which is truly life."

By themselves, money and treasure aren’t evil. But when those things become more important to us than anything else, they become an idol in our lives. Instead of trusting in what we have, we should trust God who gives us everything in the first place.

God wants us to be rich in the things that matter. Paul said we should be rich in good works, do good, and be generous and ready to share. We should use what we have to help others. What we do with what we have is much more important than what we have in the first place!

How can you share what you have and be generous with your friends and family? Maybe you have extra clothes you never wear or that don’t fit you anymore. Perhaps you have toys you don’t play with or books you don’t read. Is there someone who could use them?

Do you have time you could spend helping someone? Does someone around you need a meal? Could you make someone who is lonely a nice card or piece of artwork?

There is always someone in need and something that needs to be done. You don’t have to do it all. What you do doesn’t need to be fancy or complicated. But when you use what God gave you to help others, then your treasure is in heaven. Then you are rich in the things that matter.

How does God want you to use what you have to help your friends and family?